[SIPTA] Ph.D. Position @ Idsia in the area of Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning
Ph.D. Position @Idsia in the area of Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Deadline: 15th November 2021
The Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IDSIA) has an open position for a Ph.D. student. This is a full time (100%) position for a student working in the area of multi-agent deep reinforcement learning. The position, granted by the center of technology of the Swiss Department of Defense (armasuisse S+T), is part of a program for the automatic control of flight simulation environments in multi-agent setups.
The successful candidate holds a Master degree in Engineering or another STEM field (obtained or close to be obtained). Experience with Pytorch, proficiency in Python and C++, and interests in aviation and simulators (e.g., JSBSim and FlightGear) are optional but desirable skills.
The starting date is February 2022 (or as can be arranged by mutual agreement).
For further information, please contact Alessandro Antonucci (alessandro(a)idsia.ch).
Useful links: https://www.supsi.ch/home_en/supsi/lavora-con-noi/2021-11-15-bando909.html (Call) https://form-ru.app.supsi.ch/view.php?id=579784 (Application Form) https://www.idsia.ch (IDSIA) https://www.ar.admin.ch/en/armasuisse-wissenschaft-und-technologie-w-t/cyber... (armasuisse S+T)
University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland
Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence IDSIA USI-SUPSI
Alessandro Antonucci Senior Lecturer-Researcher
Polo universitario Lugano Via la Santa 1 CH – 6962 Lugano-Viganello
alessandro(a)idsia.ch idsia.ch/~alessandro +41586666579 alessandro.antonucci (skype) alessandro.antonucci(a)supsi.ch (teams)
participants (1)
Antonucci Alessandro