[SIPTA] LEaDing Fellows Postdocs Programme (Netherlands)

Dear colleagues,
This call may be of interest to your PhD researchers who have recently defended or who are about to defend:
The LEaDing Fellows Postdocs Programme provides opportunities for 90 incoming postdocs from all over the world to gain two years of work experience in the challenging, internationally acclaimed and multidisciplinary environment of Leiden University, Leiden University Medical Centre, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus Medical Centre and Delft University of Technology. The programme is supported by the EU through the Horizon 202 Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND scheme. The programme aims to help early stage ambitious and excellent researchers to develop new research and transferable skills and a view on career options in an academic research, industrial or public setting.
The programme runs from January 2017 until January 2022. Recruitment is divided in calls. The remaining third call will be issued from 1 September 2018 on.
All information about the programme is available here: http://www.leadingfellows.eu/
Best regards,
participants (1)
Erik Quaeghebeur