Re: [SIPTA] IEEE SMC Thesis Grant Initiative 2018, deadline July 31, 2018

Dear Friends,
Please spread the word, students and young researchers on any topic related to systems, man, and cybernetics are eligible, deadline is July 31, see information below. Only members of IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society are eligible, but this may be a great reason to join the society!
From György EIgner <eigner.gyorgy(a)NIK.UNI-OBUDA.HU> Sent: Sunday, July 8, 2018 9:30 PM
We would like to emphasize the Thesis Grant Initiative 2018 of SMC. We would like to ask your help to spread the information about this opportunity through your networks in order to advertise it and maximize to reaching people with our message. We established this program last year, it was a great success: we got many applications.
I copied here the essence of the program, but it can be found here as well:
The System, Man, and Cybernetics Society happily presents the SMC Thesis Grants Initiative for 2018!
The aim of this initiative is to recognize the outstanding Student, Graduated Student and Young Professional members of SMCS who, early in their career, contributed to major advancements of theory, technologies, and/or applications of systems science & engineering, human-machine systems, and/or cybernetics. Accomplishments include theoretical and technological advances, improvements in processes, or development of new products or procedures related to the fields of interest of the Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society. Further information can be found here:
Thank you for helping to make this program successful!
Best regards, Gyorgy Eigner M&SA Program Coordinator
participants (1)