[SIPTA] [ISIPTA ’17 & ECSQARU 2017] Call for participation - Lugano (Switzerland) July 10-14, 2017

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION http://isipta.idsia.ch http://ecsqaru.idsia.ch
[THE EVENT] The Tenth International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications (ISIPTA ’17) and Fourteenth European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU 2017) will be held jointly in Lugano (Switzerland), on July 10-14, 2017.
Both the ISIPTA symposia and the ECSQARU conferences are biennial events to discuss theory and practice of reasoning under uncertainty. While ISIPTA is especially focused on the field of imprecise probabilities, the scope of ECSQARU covers more generic qualitative and numeric uncertainty paradigms. The co location of the two events is intended to favor cross-fertilization among researches active in both communities.
[ACCEPTED PAPERS] The list of accepted papers is already available: http://isipta.idsia.ch/accepted-papers-isipta (ISIPTA) http://ecsqaru.idsia.ch/accepted-papers-ecsqaru (ECSQARU)
All the papers will be presented during oral sessions.
[INVITED TALKS] Besides the technical sessions, the following invited talks will be presented:
- “Evaluation methods of arguments: current trends and challenges” by Leila Amgoud
- “Bayes+Hilbert=quantum mechanics” by Alessio Benavoli
- “Encounters with imprecise probabilities” by Jim Berger
- “Symbolic and quantitative representations of uncertainty: an overview” by Didier Dubois
- “Learning from imprecise data” by Eyke Hüllermeier
[LUGANO] Lugano is the largest city in the Italian speaking canton of Ticino which shares borders with Italy. It is one of the popular tourist destinations of Switzerland. Both Lake Lugano and the surrounding mountains provide an excellent view and a wide variety of outdoor activities. Lugano is also home to a number of historic buildings and museums. More information available here: http://www.luganoturismo.ch/en
[REGISTRATION] The registration page is already active: http://www2.idsia.ch/cms/isipta-ecsqaru/registration/
Please contact Alessandro Antonucci (alessandro(a)idsia.ch) for any additional information.
Alessandro Antonucci IDSIA Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence Via Cantonale (Galleria 2) CH-6928, Manno-Lugano, CH
mail: alessandro(a)idsia.ch skype: alessandro.antonucci tel: +41 916108515 web: www.idsia.ch/~alessandro
participants (1)
Alessandro Antonucci