[SIPTA] EURO: special session Imprecise probability

Dear colleagues,
We would like to invite you to participate to the special session
Imprecise Probabilities
that we will organize within the stream
Probabilistic Models
at the 28th European Conference on Operational Research EURO2016
http://www.euro2016.poznan.pl/ <http://www.euro2016.poznan.pl/>
held in Poznan, Poland — July 3-6, 2016.
Abstract must be written in English and contain no more than 1500 characters (no formulas or mathematical notations are allowed). Each attendee is allowed to present one paper at the conference. For further information, please check EURO2016’s webpage
http://www.euro2016.poznan.pl/abstract-submission/ <http://www.euro2016.poznan.pl/abstract-submission/>
Important dates <
Submission deadline: March 1, 2016 Notification of acceptance: 31 March, 2016 Conference: July 3-6, 2016
Best regards, Barbara Vantaggi
participants (1)