[SIPTA] Call for papers: Special session on IP methods at IPMU 2016 in Eindhoven, NL

Call for papers
Special session "Uncertainty Quantification with Imprecise Probability"
to be held at
16th International Conference on Information Processing and management of Uncertainty (IPMU 2016, www.ipmu2016.org)
at Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 20th - 24th, 2016.
The special session offers a forum for all imprecise/interval probability related contributions at IPMU, while at the same time also setting a focus on (engineering) reliability applications. The session thus aims to link methodological research in imprecise probability to applications in reliability, in order to make, on the one hand, practitioners aware of recent developments, and on the other hand, make IP theorists aware of potential applications and which theory developments are needed from the application perspective. The session also links up thematically with the workshop "Reliable Engineering Computing" (REC 2016, rec.2016.rub.de), which takes place in nearby Bochum (Germany) in the week before IPMU.
Papers submitted to the special session will undergo the IPMU reviewing process. The proceedings of IPMU-2016 will be published in Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) with Springer, for details see
Important dates: Paper submission: January 8th, 2016 Notification of acceptance: March 1st, 2016 Camera-ready paper submission: March 31st, 2016 Early/author registration: March 31st, 2016 Conference: June 20-24th, 2016
I hope to see you in Eindhoven! Gero Walter g.m.walter(a)tue.nl
participants (1)
Gero Walter