[SIPTA] Belief scool, Xi'an, China - July 4-9, 2017

Dear Colleagues, The 4th summer school on belief functions and their applications will be held in Xi'an, China, during July 4-9, 2017. http://belief2017.nwpu.edu.cn/
BFAS board decides to give 12 student grants in the form of free registration. The deadline for the application has been extended to June 1st, 2017. We encourage the Master students and PhD students, who have done the good research work in the area of belief functions and the applications, to apply this grant.
For this application, we need:
The student CV
A letter of motivation
An advisor support with the indication whether or not the student can fund his trip without this help
Please send the required elements of application to the email of BFAS: bfas(a)bfasociety.org
Pr. Arnaud MARTIN
Université de Rennes 1 / IUT de Lannion
Rue Edouard Branly BP 30219
22302 Lannion cedex, France
Phone: +(33)
participants (1)
Arnaud Martin