Fall 2022 topics course: Imprecise-Probabilistic Foundations of Statistics & Data Science

Dear SIPTA community,
This coming Fall 2022 semester (starting August 23rd), I'll be teaching an advanced special topics course for Statistics PhD students at North Carolina State University entitled "Imprecise-Probabilistic Foundations of Statistics & Data Science". It's a typical, in-person lecture course, but the lectures will be recorded and made publicly available so, in principle, anyone who is interested can -- and is welcome to -- follow along or even participate in a non-credit-earning capacity. The course website, with some information about what I plan to do, is here
This is where the lecture videos and other relevant materials will be posted. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions.
Ryan Martin Professor Department of Statistics North Carolina State University Email: rgmarti3@ncsu.edu Web: https://www4.stat.ncsu.edu/~rmartin
participants (1)
Ryan Martin