SIPTA school 2024: last call for registrations

Dear interested researchers, young(er) and old(er),
Only 1 month remains to register for the SIPTA school 2024 (deadline 30 June 2024). So, whether you want to find out why there is more to uncertainty than probabilities, deepen your knowledge on imprecise probabilities, or see how these more general uncertainty models are used and applied in a variety of fields, we urge you to enrol through our registration page<>.
We recall from previous mails that the school takes place from Monday 12 to Friday 16 August 2024 in the wonderful city of Ghent, Belgium. At the moment, a late bird fee of € 125 applies. In return, you’ll get lectures from leading experts in the field, free lunches and coffee breaks, an easy-going pizza night, and a kayak excursion on the canals of Ghent. More information can of course be found on
Be there or be square<>,
Floris & Alexander
participants (1)
Floris Persiau