Dear colleagues, perhaps some of you may be interested in a small informal workshop WUPES with broad flexible scope, to be organized next June -- see below.
best wishes Milan Studeny (in name of WUPES organizers)
*CALL FOR PAPERS* The 13th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing *W U P E S ' 25* Třešť, Czech Republic, June 4 - 7, 2025 http://wupes.utia.cas.cz/2025/
*About* A series of Workshops on Uncertainty Processing (WUPES) has been held in Czechia since 1988. We invite submissions of papers on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Bayesian Networks, Conditional Independence, Stochastic Analysis, Algebraic Statistics, Information-Theoretical Inequalities, Combinatorial Methods for Secret Sharing, Fuzzy Analysis, Machine Learning, Decision Theory, Management Science, and related fields. More information about WUPES can be found on our webpage: http://wupes.utia.cas.cz/
*Submissions* We invite regular papers. First, an extended abstract (up to two pages long) should be submitted. After notification of acceptance, full papers (maximum 12 pages) should be prepared using the WUPES LaTeX template. Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their work at the workshop.
*Special Issue* After the workshop, a special issue of the international journal Kybernetika <https://www.kybernetika.cz/>(published by the Institute of Information Theory and Automation of the Czech Academy of Sciences) will be organized and dedicated to WUPES'25. All selected papers will undergo a regular review process. Kybernetika publishes freely available articles at no charge. Reflecting its focus on computer science, system engineering, applied mathematics, and related interdisciplinary fields, the journal has been indexed in Web of Science and Scopus since its founding in 1965. With an impact factor of 0.9 in 2023, Kybernetika provides a platform for high-quality research.
*Important Dates*
- March 14, 2025: Submission of extended abstracts
- March 28, 2022: Notification of acceptance
- April 11, 2025: Early registration & payment deadline
- May 2, 2025: Camera-ready copy of the final paper due
- June 4-7, 2025: Workshop in Třešť, Czechia
*Program Committee*
- Milan Studený - chair, Czech Academy of Sciences
- Nihat Ay, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
- Andrea Capotorti, Università di Perugia, Italy
- László Csirmaz, Alfréd Rényi Inst. of Mathematics, Hungary
- Radim Jiroušek, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czechia
- Gernot D. Kleiter, Salzburg University, Austria
- Prakash P. Shenoy, University of Kansas, USA
*Organizing Committee*
- Jirka Vomlel - chair, Czech Academy of Sciences
- Radim Jiroušek, Czech Academy of Sciences
- Václav Kratochvíl, Czech Academy of Sciences
- Milan Studený, Czech Academy of Sciences
*Venue* The WUPES 2025 conference will take place in the magnificent Třešť Castle, a historic site owned by the Czech Academy of Sciences. Originally a medieval fortress, the castle has undergone transformations from Renaissance to Baroque architecture and now serves as a center for academic and research activities. Participants will enjoy the serene castle park, ideal for quiet walks and relaxation.
Třešť is located in the scenic Vysočina region, celebrated for its rolling hills, forests, and cultural landmarks. A highlight of the area is the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Telč, just 24 minutes away by train with regular hourly service. Telč, known for its Renaissance architecture and charming town square, offers a unique excursion opportunity for participants.
For any further questions, please get in touch with the chair:
*Jirka VomlelEmail: vomlel@utia.cas.cz " target="_blank">" target="_blank">" target="_blank"><vomlel@utia.cas.cz>*
participants (1)
Milan Studeny