[SIPTA] 2nd Cal for Abstracts: ECDA special session on imprecision in statistical learning: deadline April 1st

Dear members of the sipta list,
Might we direct your attention briefly once more to the
Special Session on Statistical Learning with Imprecision
we are organizing at
ECDA 2018, 4 July - 6 July 2018, Paderborn, Germany?
We think that this an excellent opportunity for members of our community to exchange ideas, also with members from other communities including more traditional data analysts.
ECDA is quite an interesting general conference. The motto of this year is "Multidisciplinary Facets of Data Science" in a very broad sense.
Please note that submitting an abstract by April 1st is sufficient to apply (, although there is an additional post conference proceedings option, see below.)
Further information is available from:
When submitting the abstract, please make sure you mark it as a contribution to the special session. Of course, you also need to register for the conference, once your abstract is accepted.
Full papers will be published as post-proceedings in the newly launched Journal "Archives of Data Science, Series A" after the conference. Submission to the post-proceedings is offered to all participants, but is not compulsory. Submitted papers will undergo a standard review process.
The normal time slot for a talk in a session will be around 20-25 minutes.
Best wishes,
Sebastien Destercke and Thomas Augustin
participants (1)
Thomas Augustin