[SIPTA] Last Call for Applications: KI 2015 Doctoral Consortium **Deadline Approaching**

KI 2015 - Doctoral Consortium Dresden, September 22, 2015
** New deadline: June 7, 2015 **
** Deadline Approaching **
Doctoral students are invited to apply for admission to the doctoral consortium to be held at KI, in Dresden, Germany, on September 22nd, 2015.
The doctoral consortium is an opportunity for doctoral students to discuss their research interests with established researchers in AI, network with other participants, and receive mentoring about career planning and career options. Students will be exposed to different areas of research within AI and build professional connections within the AI community. Students who received their doctoral degree after September 30th, 2014 may also apply.
Applicants should submit:
- an extended abstract on their thesis, formatted according to Springer's LNCS style. The abstract should not exceed 10 pages (excluding references),
- a curriculum vitae (2 pages) including all relevant experience in research (publications, presentations, conferences attended, etc), and
- (optional) a list of one or two possible mentors for your work.
Submissions should be made in a single pdf file to: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ki2015 selecting the "doctoral consortium" track.
** New Deadline for applications: June 7, 2015
Notification of acceptance: June 22, 2015
For additional information and questions contact Rafael Peñaloza at rafael.penaloza(a)unibz.it
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