Re: [SIPTA] special issue on Modeling Dependence in Econometrics

Dear Friends,
The International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (IJAR), published by Elsevier is planning a special issue on Modeling Dependence in Econometrics.
We expect to publish up to 10 papers, each about 8-12 pages in IJAR format.
All papers will be peer-refereed.
About half of the issue will be filled with extended versions of selected papers presented at a recent International Conference on Modeling Dependence in Econometrics (Chiang Mai, Thailand, January 8-10, 2014). Invitations are being sent to the authors of the invited papers; these papers will also be peer-refereed.
In addition, about half of the issue is open for submissions, including submission by authors who did not participate in the conference.
Papers need to be submitted to IJAR by June 1, 2014.
The journal website has detailed instructions about the journal's scope and instructions on how to submit papers. When submitting a paper, please do not forget to indicate that the submitted papers are for the special issue of Dependence in Econometrics.
We expect to notify the authors by September 1, 2014. Final versions of accepted papers are due by November 1, 2014.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at Vladik(a) if you have any questions about this issue.
Van-Nam Huynh and Vladik Kreinovich Guest Editors
participants (1)