[SIPTA] 2nd Announcement: 8th WPMSIIP in Munich, 1st September to 6th September, !!one day moved!!

Dear SIPTA list member,
first of all: The 8th WPMSIIP organized jointly by the Department of Statistics of the LMU and the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP) will start one day later, at Tuesday the 1st of September, and accordingly will end at Sunday, the 6th of September.
We are happy to inform you about the tentative programme:
Tuesday: Philosophical topics, Dilation (day organizers: Gregory Wheeler, Seamus Bradley)
Wednesday: Imprecise observations (day organizers: Thomas Augustin, Georg Schollmeyer, Julia Plass) and small excursion
Thursday: Open topics (day organizers: Christoph Jansen, Paul Fink, Thomas Augustin)
Friday: Graphical models (day organizers: Eva Endres, Jasper De Bock, Barbara Osimani)
Saturday: Reliability and risk (day organizers: Frank Coolen, Gero Walter)
Sunday: excursion
At every day there are still slots available! Any contribution ranging from a presentation to a 5-minute discussion is more than welcome; just write a brief e-mail to wpmsiip2015(a)stat.uni-muenchen.de In the old WPMSIIP tradition the workshop is kept very informal to stimulate the exchange of premature ideas.
For further information, please visit the website of WPMSIIP 2015: http://www.statistik.lmu.de/institut/ag/agmg/research/wpmsiip_2015/index.htm...
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us: wpmsiip2015(a)stat.uni-muenchen.de
We hope to see you in Munich!! Kind regards, Christoph and Julia, on behalf of the WPMSIIP group and the local organizers
-- Julia Plaß, M.Sc. Department of Statistics Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Ludwigstr. 33, 80539 Munich
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