[SIPTA] SLSP 2013: call for participation

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SLSP 2013
Tarragona, Spain
July 29-31, 2013
Monday, July 29:
8:00 - 8:50 Registration
8:50 - 9:00 Opening
9:00 - 9:50 Yoshua Bengio: Deep Learning of Representations: Looking Forward (I) - Invited Tutorial
9:50 - 10:20 Coffee Break
10:20 - 11:35
Horacio Saggion, Stefan Bott, and Luz Rello: Comparing Resources for Spanish Lexical Simplification
Borbála Siklósi, Attila Novák, and Gábor Prószéky: Context-aware Correction of Spelling Errors in Hungarian Medical Documents
Attia Nehar, Djelloul Ziadi, and Hadda Cherroun: Rational Kernels for Arabic Text Classification
11:35 - 11:45 Break
11:45 - 13:00
Horia Cucu, Andi Buzo, Laurent Besacier, and Corneliu Burileanu: Statistical Error Correction Methods for Domain-Specific ASR Systems
Myung-Jae Kim, Il-Ho Yang, and Ha-Jin Yu: Histogram Equalization Using Centroids of Fuzzy C-Means of Background Speakers' Utterances for Speaker Identification
Layla El Asri, Romain Laroche, and Olivier Pietquin: Reward Shaping for Statistical Optimisation of Dialogue Management
13:00 - 14:30 Lunch
14:30 - 15:20
Samuel W. K. Chan and Mickey M. C. Chong: Predicting Part-of-Speech Tags and Morpho-Syntactic Relations using Similarity-based Technique
Nobal Niraula, Rajendra Banjade, Dan Ștefănescu, and Vasile Rus: Experiments with Semantic Similarity Measures based on LDA and LSA
15:20 - 15:30 Break
15:30 - 16:20 Yoshua Bengio: Deep Learning of Representations: Looking Forward (II) - Invited Tutorial
Tuesday, July 30:
9:00 - 9:50 Christof Monz: Challenges and Opportunities of Multilingual Information Access - Invited Lecture
9:50 - 10:20 Coffee Break
10:20 - 11:35
Akira Hayashi, Kazunori Iwata, and Nobuo Suematsu: Finding the Most Likely Upper Level State Sequence for Hierarchical HMMs
Jordan Rodu, Dean P. Foster, Weichen Wu, and Lyle H. Ungar: Using Regression for Spectral Estimation of HMMs
Amit Kirschenbaum: Unsupervised Segmentation for Different Types of Morphological Processes Using Multiple Sequence Alignment
11:35 - 11:45 Break
11:45 - 13:00
Abdessalam Bouchekif, Géraldine Damnati, and Delphine Charlet: Complementarity of Lexical Cohesion and Speaker Role Information for Story Segmentation of French TV Broadcast News
Markus Saers, Karteek Addanki, and Dekai Wu: Iterative Rule Segmentation under Minimum Description Length for Unsupervised Transduction Grammar Induction
Ngoc Thang Vu, Heike Adel, and Tanja Schultz: An Investigation of Code-Switching Attitude Dependent Language Modeling
13:00 - 14:30 Lunch
14:30 - 15:20
Hans Moen and Erwin Marsi: Cross-Lingual Random Indexing for Information Retrieval
Javad Nouri, Lidia Pivovarova, and Roman Yangarber: MDL-based Models for Transliteration Generation
15:20 - 15:30 Break
15:30 - 16:20
Sanja Štajner and Richard Evans: Can Statistical Tests Be Used for Feature Selection in Diachronic Text Classification?
Luis Trindade, Hui Wang, William Blackburn, and Niall Rooney: Factored Semantic Sequence Kernel for Sentiment Polarity Classification
17:30 Visit to the City
Wednesday, July 31:
9:00 - 9:50 Tanja Schultz: Multilingual Speech Processing with a special emphasis on Rapid Language Adaptation - Invited Lecture
9:50 - 10:20 Coffee Break
10:20 - 11:35
Fethi Bougares, Mickael Rouvier, Nathalie Camelin, Paul Deléglise, and Yannick Estève: An Investigation of Single-pass ASR System Combination for Spoken Language Understanding
Marwa Graja, Maher Jaoua, and Lamia Hadrich Belguith: Discriminative Framework for Spoken Tunisian Dialect Understanding
Bassam Jabaian, Fabrice Lefèvre, and Laurent Besacier: Generalization of Discriminative Approaches for Speech Language Understanding in a Multilingual Context
11:35 - 11:45 Break
11:45 - 13:00
Felix Stahlberg, Tim Schlippe, Stephan Vogel, and Tanja Schultz: Pronunciation Extraction from Phoneme Sequences Through Cross-Lingual Word-to-Phoneme Alignment
Stanisław Kacprzak and Mariusz Ziółko: Speech/Music Discrimination via Energy Density Analysis
Karteek Addanki and Dekai Wu: Unsupervised Rhyme Scheme Identification in Hip Hop Lyrics using Hidden Markov Models
13:00 Closing
participants (1)