FYI, contributions related to imprecise probabilities are always welcome at this series of conferences
-----Original Message----- From: SMC2016 [mailto:ieeesmc2016(a)gmail.com] Sent: Monday, April 25, 2016 1:31 AM
Dear Colleagues:
The 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics provides an international forum for researchers and practitioners to report up-to-the-minute research and innovations, demonstrate state-of-the-art systems, and exchange ideas and advances in all aspects of systems science and engineering, human machine systems, and cybernetics. The goal of the Demo Papers category is to promote applied research and applications, as well as bridge collaboration between industrial and academic members of the SMC community. Demo papers are intended to provide a platform for participants to demonstrate their technological advancements.
Authors are invited to submit demo papers (maximum 2-page two-column format extended summary + at most 1 GB short demo video).
Submission of Demo Papers and Video IEEE format guidelines and instructions for submitting demo papers (two-column format) will be available on the Paper Submission pages of the SMC2016 website.
Please upload your short demo video via ftp website and use the "corresponding" paper number to entitle your demo film. Ftp website: User name: SMC2016 Password: ieeesmc2016 The maximum size for video attachments is 1 GB. The accepted video format includes MPEG1, MPEG2, AVI, FLV, RM, and RMVB.
Presentation of Demos at SMC2016 Authors who are selected for the Demo Papers Session will be provided a table to display their demo in the Exhibition location. No additional equipment is to be supported from the organizing committee. Authors are responsible to set up their own demos. Security services for safeguarding equipment in the Exhibition location will be available during the conference.
For any question, please do not hesitate to contact:
Demo Papers Session Chairs Prof. Yo-Ping Huang Department of Electrical Engineering National Taipei University of Technology email: yphuang(a)ntut.edu.tw