Re: [SIPTA] Young Researchers in Mathematics Conference 2015 - Oxford

-----Original Message-----
Young Researchers in Mathematics Conference 2015 - Oxford Monday, August 17, 2015 to Thursday, August 20, 2015
Conference poster:
The YRM2015 conference is primarily intended for PhD students in Mathematics and related disciplines (Statistics, Computer Science, Pphysics, etc.). Other early-career researchers are also very welcome (e.g. Master students with some research experience, Post-Docs, etc.).
The conference will be held in the Andrew Wiles Building - Mathematical Institute at the University of Oxford. There will be talks by young researchers, plenary and keynote talks from distinguished speakers across Mathematics, a poster competition, and a Quantitative Finance workshop from G-research.
All participants are invited to give a short (15 minutes + 5 minutes for questions) talk on their research. These talks will be organised into tracks which reflect different fields of research.
Web page: Registration: FAQs:
Venue: Mathematical Institute - University of Oxford Andrew Wiles Building Woodstock Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX2 6GG United Kingdom
List of tracks available: Algebra, Geometry, Number Theory, Analysis, Topology, Dynamical Systems, Mathematical Finance, Computer Science, Logic and Set Theory, Mathematical Physics, Mathematical Biology, Computational Biology, Statistics, Probability and Stochastic Processes, Fluid Mechanics, Machine Learning, Numerical Analysis, PDEs, Combinatorics and Graph Theory
participants (1)