[SIPTA] SIPTA school: 2nd call for participation

6th SIPTA School on Imprecise Probabilities (21-25 Jul 2014, Montpellier, France): 2nd announcement
Sixth school of the Society for Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications (SIPTA). July 21-25, 2014, Montpellier, France. http://www.lirmm.fr/SIPTAschool2014/
Dear colleagues,
The Society for Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications (SIPTA) organizes the 6th edition of its school in Montpellier, France, during 21-25 July 2014, the local organizer is the Laboratoire d'Informatique de Robotique et de Microelectronique (LIRMM) of the university of Montpellier. The school venue is in the center of Montpellier, a historical French city on the Mediterranean coast.
The SIPTA school provides an introduction to imprecise probabilities for students and researchers. The basics and some advanced theoretical aspects will be covered. Of particular interest will be applications of imprecise probabilities. World experts in the different aspects of imprecise probabilities will teach about their area of expertise. An important part of the time is devoted to solving exercises and to the presentation of open application problems.
*Topics & Lecturers*
Imprecise probability is used as a generic term to cover all mathematical or statistical models which measure chance or uncertainty without sharp numerical probabilities. Imprecise probability models are needed in inference problems where the relevant information is scarce, vague or conflicting, and in decision problems where preferences may also be incomplete.
The topics covered this year will include:
- Coherent lower previsions (Enrique Miranda, Spain, and Sébastien Destercke, France)
- Other imprecise probability theories (Inés Couso, Spain, and Didier Dubois, France)
- Inference (Erik Quaeghebeur, The Netherlands, and Gert de Cooman, Belgium)
- Algorithms & approximation methods (Cassio P. de Campos, Switzerland, and Alessandro Antonucci, Switzerland)
- Graphical models and information retrieval (Alessandro Antonucci, Switzerland, and Cassio P. de Campos, Switzerland)
- Decision Making (Matthias C.M. Troffaes, UK)
- Joint treatment of stochastic and epistemic uncertainties: applications in the field of environmental risks (Dominique Guyonnet, France)
- Climate change impact (Hermann Held, Germany)
The full program can be found on the School website. It will be updated as details become available.
Since the number of participants is limited, it is necessary to inform us of your intent to participate as soon as possible. To do so, complete and submit the pre-registration form on the school website.
More information is available at the school website: http://www.lirmm.fr/SIPTAschool2014/
We are looking forward to meeting you in Montpellier. We also welcome you to circulate this announcement around you.
Best regards
Kevin Loquin <kevin.loquin(a)gmail.com> Enrique Miranda <mirandaenrique(a)uniovi.es> Erik Quaeghebeur <Erik.Quaeghebeur(a)ugent.be> Olivier Strauss <strauss(a)lirmm.fr>
participants (1)
Enrique Miranda