Re: [SIPTA] FW: International Conference on Risk Analysis of MeteorologicalDisasters

FYI, different techniques for gauging risk under uncertainty are welcome for these problems, imprecise probability techniques in particular.
From: Guo Wei [mailto:guo.wei(a)]
International Conference on Risk Analysis of Meteorological Disasters (RAMD'14)
October 12-13, 2014, Nanjing, China
About the Conference
Since the industrial revolution in the mid-18th century, global climate has been undergoing significant changes with global warming as the main feature. Entering the 21st century, the trend of global warming is increasing (IPCC, 2013). As the climate gets warmer, various kinds of weather disasters gradually increase and result in more and more severe loss and impacts. According to the statistics of the International Committee for Disaster Reduction, meteorological disasters account for 75%-80% of all natural disasters, and the loss caused by meteorological disasters in the global world accounts for about 3%-6% of the world GDP in total. How to deal with the significant risk of meteorological disasters has become a major challenge faced by the international community today.
Before the idea of meteorological disaster risk management appeared, mankind mainly defended to meteorological disasters passively. Then people started to set up the philosophy of active management to meteorological disasters and entered the stage of meteorological disasters risk management. Researches on meteorological disaster risk started since the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR) programme initiated by the UN in 1989. Its focus was to explore the mechanisms and measures to reduce the loss and the impact of a variety of natural and environmental disasters on human economy, society, resources and environment; to reveal the mechanism of the formation of disasters by evaluating the danger of hazards factors, the stability of the environment and the vulnerability of the hazard bearing body, etc., and to identify the driving forces of the disasters. In 2003, the first World Conference on Risk Analysis hosted by the International Society of Risk Analysis (SRA) emphasized the important change of disaster studies from disaster analysis to disaster risk analysis and disaster risk management, etc. Since then, the concept of risk entered into the field of meteorology, and the focus of research on meteorological disasters also shifted from meteorological disaster defence to meteorological disasters risk management.
Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology is one of China's key universities with meteorology as the main discipline. The discipline of "Atmospheric Sciences" ranked first in the academic ranking organized by the Chinese Ministry of Education in 2013. The university has more than 1,500 full-time faculties including the Academician of Chinese Academy of Science, Professor Shi Guangyu. In recent years, one of the main directions of the university discipline development is "meteorological disaster forecasting, warning and assessment." In order to better make use of the advantages in terms of the university discipline, personnel, facilities and other conditions, to promote academic exchange and cooperation among researchers around the world in meteorological disaster risk management, the university intends to hold an International Conference on Risk Management of Meteorological Disasters in Nanjing on October 12-13.
Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
Conference Time and Venue
Conference Time: October 12-13
Conference Venue: Nanjing, China
Scope: RAMD'14 is soliciting papers for the following (but not limited to) topics:
Theme I: Meteorological Disasters and Financial Risk Management
Theme II: Meteorological Disaster Assessment and Disaster Prevention and Reduction Strategies
Theme III: Dynamic Analysis, Impact Assessment and Strategies for Drought/Flood Risk
Theme IV: Major Meteorological Disaster Emergency Response and Risk Management
Paper Submission
All papers must be unpublished and should not be under simultaneous review for any other conferences and workshops. Paper format please refer to the relevant requirements of Information Science. All papers should be submitted electronically via E-mail:2014RAMD(a) All papers will be peer-reviewed by members of the RAMD'14 program committee and selected reviewers.
Important Dates
The deadline for paper submission August 30th, 2014
The date for notification September 30th, 2014
The date for camera-ready paper submission October 10th, 2014
Contact information
Tel: +86 025 58699839
Email: 2014RAMD(a)
participants (1)